Embracing the Journey

From a young age, I knew I wanted to invent and design products. Some of my earliest memories include my grandfather showing me his many inventions and creations. In 6th grade, I began sketching new concepts for Nike (unbeknownst to them) during my free time. Driven by a strong curiosity about how things worked, I loved taking things apart and putting them back together in working order. Naturally, pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering was the perfect fit.

Eager to start designing real products, I joined the Cooperative Education Program at Georgia Tech, alternating between school and work semesters. In the first month I learned Pro/E, in the second month I designed a bracket. It was clear to me that I had chosen the right career path.

That first job set an incredible foundation for a journey of discovery and creation which I had never imagined, or maybe I had. I eventually did design shoes for Nike, as well as many successful products in other industries.

Throughout this journey, my family and I have made several moves across the country, and we now live in Tustin, CA with our son and two dogs.

I am grateful to have found a career that allows me to do what I love.
